Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Anna Wintour, She's Inspired Me!

Sat at front row, Anne Klein show
Editor-in-chief majalah Vogue Amerika ini bisa dibilang sebagai orang paling berpengaruh dalam dunia fashion dunia. Bahkan sering disebut-sebut bahwa Vogue bagaikan ‘kitab suci’ para pecinta fashion. Anna Wintour memiliki sifat perfeksionis karena Anna adalah tipe orang yang striving for the best, namun seringkali disalah artikan menganggap Anna sebagai orang yang dingin, bahkan sempat dijuluki sebagai ‘Nuclear Wintour’. "She doesn't do small talk. She is never going to be friends with her assistant.” 

Namun dibalik itu, Anna memiliki ketelitian dan kejelian dalam melihat koleksi-koleksi desainer dan mengapresiasi high fashion. Anna juga mendukung para desainer muda lewat fashion fund dan raise money for charity. Ketika dinobatkan pada urutan ke 69 sebagai World’s Hundred Most Powerful Women, Anna hanya mengatakan, “I don't think of myself as a powerful person, You know, what does it mean? It means you get a better seat in a restaurant or tickets to a screening or whatever it may be. But it is a wonderful opportunity to be able to help others, and for that I'm extremely grateful.” 

Tips Style dari Anna yang selalu diingat (well, she has an eye for fashion!)

“Create your own individual style. I’m not interested in the girl who walks into my office in a head-to-toe label look that’s straight off the runway. I’m interested in a girl who puts herself together in an original, independent way.” 

“You either know fashion or you don't.”

“If you look at any great fashion photograph out of context, it will tell you just as much about what's going on in the world as a headline in The New York Times.”

“Fashion's not about looking back. It's always about looking forward.”

"[The democratization of luxury] means more people are going to get better fashion. And the more people who can have fashion, the better.”

Photo : Ed Kavishe, Fashion Wire Press

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